In 1978 some mormon fuckhead announced that he had been given a revelation - straight from planet kolob I imagine - that blacks were no longer persona non grata. Is another proclamation in the works for gays?
Like most religions, you can always expect these fuckers to go where the money is. Stand by for incoming mail from kolob!
Quote: Now, Wendy Montgomery is leading a growing movement among Mormons to push The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints to teach that homosexuality isn't a sin.
They are hopeful. The Utah-based church's stance on homosexuality has softened considerably since it was one of the leading forces behind California's Proposition 8. A new website launched this year encourages more compassion toward gays, implores them to stay in the faith and clarifies that church leaders no longer "necessarily advise" gays to marry people of the opposite sex in what used to be a widely practiced Mormon workaround for homosexuality. In May, church leaders backed the Boy Scouts' policy allowing gays in the ranks. Some gay Mormons who left or were forced out of the church say they are now being welcomed back - even though they remain in same-sex relationships.
Like most religions, you can always expect these fuckers to go where the money is. Stand by for incoming mail from kolob!