(January 26, 2010 at 3:42 pm)Synackaon Wrote: Mathematics is based on logic. Logical statements are qualified through whether a statement is true or false. A 1 or a 0 if you will. Mathematical proofs do not require anything except a logical progression than can be verified each step of the way in a contextual manner. Every step can be taken apart of examine the logic of that.
There is no faith there. If a statement made in math is proven contextually true, then it is true in that context. Unproven statements are unproven, and false statements are false. There are no exceptions. It is about as dry as you can get.
Your 'faith' in God is not justified, is unprovable. It cannot be broken down to a True/False decision with context, nor can be taken apart. It is merely an expression for what one wants to be true, generated without regard to the actual veracity. We have logic to deal with such expressions, so as to sift out what is unproven, false from that which is proven and therefore "True" with context.
If you noticed, the word 'context' is very, very important. No faith there - it is all reason, flowing from the well spring of logic, an evaluation of a pattern of statements under a context to determine whether it is correct or incorrect.
Maybe then your faith is in logic itself. Or is logic proved also? I asked about this in another thread and nobody has yet showed me a proof for the laws of logic. Can you prove that logic is the appropriate standard for evaluating things?