Quote:From what I've seen of ghosts, it looks to be the same case, except you have a dog companion thrown in there somewhere. Whoopidee doo dar.
That is one of their new campaign features, yes. They really go all out on their localized content. That is one of the things that disappoints me, they have a fantastic team working with their client development kits, but so little work with their server dk's. I would like to ask them why they keep their campaign development localized while choosing not to have it translated into their multiplayer development. They add freaking gunships, but do not add grapples for scaling walls? Fuck.
Quote:Just don't expect anything realistic.
We heard from Sledgehammer that they are indeed trying to become more "hyper-realistic", similar to Battlefield (minus the abusable glitches [rocket jet skis]), so I kinda do expect more realism from them over time. And, I do plan on getting Battlefield 4, time is the only mystery though.