(February 8, 2010 at 12:40 pm)theVOID Wrote: Are you a conspiracy theorist now Evie? There is no valid logical argument for the existence of God anywhere never has been, and almost certainly never will be. It's not like this argument, if it existed, wouldn't be known about, it would be big fucking news mate. So currently there exists no valid logical argument for the existence of God, got a problem with that statement?
I'll believe it when i see it.
Well if you are claiming absolute knowledge then I still don't see how you can hold that.
And the belief that there absolutely cannot be any valid logical arguments otherwise we would have known about it - seems logically fallacious and once again seems to be claiming the absolute to me. So are you claiming the absolute or not?
You'll believe it when you see it, well, fair enough. Me too. But I don't claim that there definitely aren't any valid arguments out there already (however improbable they are) because I cannot know that - I don't have access to absolute knowledge, I don't believe anyone does.
What conspiracy theorist? What are you talking about? I'm testing your agnosticism or lack thereof

(February 9, 2010 at 1:17 am)TruthWorthy Wrote: So you're really on the fence on this one? I would have thought atheism has some position for the non existence of "God" otherwise you're really being skeptical which isn't proper atheism to me.
"proper atheism" what's that? If he doesn't believe in God then he's an atheist. What's 'proper atheism', what's a 'proper atheist'? I mean... what's the alternative? An improper atheist? What's that? A theist/deist?