(February 9, 2010 at 6:33 am)EvidenceVsFaith Wrote: Rjh4, even if 'man' was not an animal (and we - humans - are) - how would that make us superior? You say we are superior because we're "not animals" (and of course, we are, but that's besides my additional point here) - what have you got against animals?
It is funny, Evie, how you say with such conviction that humans are animals...like that is some objective truth. If we are animals it is only because we choose to classify ourselves that way. It is not like everything comes prelabeled and humans have an "animal" label on them. And I do not have anything against animals, by the way. I think I said before that I think we are superior to the animals because God has made us so and given us dominion over them (see the Bible). That is my reason. As I said to Zen, I have not hidden the fact that I look at things from a Biblical perspective. Why can you not see my point of view even though it may be a different perspective from yours?