Not intelligence in the sense of being intellectual, but intelligence that exists within life, more so of a rule.
And your example of love isn't real love. Real love is unconditional, love as most people describe and understand it today is very much attached to an understanding of the mind. Such as I love them, but only if they function within the conditions I've named. If you are in a "loving" relationship and they cheat on you, that love can easily turn to hate, and so you can see it's not real love, as real love is unconditional. Is it possible to love someone unconditionally? I'd argue yes, and it is only the mind that tells you differently. It's ultimately a choice, which is the beauty of life, we choose how we live it.
Just as if someone came and insulted you, although your conditioned mind might try to pull you into a state that you've understood to be correct for the situation, such as anger, it is ultimately a choice. You could choose to step back and not let what the person said or did effect you and love them either way. Most people live entirely in the state of their conditioned mind, which they think to be who they are and they are in control. But you can easily see is actually not a choice but a conditioning. There is no benefit to you by getting mad, yet people do it and it makes them feel rage inside, which isn't a pleasant state, even though some egos in here might say it is in spite, but really it's not. The only REAL joy in life is in a state of love, but again, not as most understand it. This is hard to explain, because it is a feeling, it'd be like trying to explain love to someone whose never felt it, which is impossible to comprehend through understanding with the mind unless you've experienced it.
And your example of love isn't real love. Real love is unconditional, love as most people describe and understand it today is very much attached to an understanding of the mind. Such as I love them, but only if they function within the conditions I've named. If you are in a "loving" relationship and they cheat on you, that love can easily turn to hate, and so you can see it's not real love, as real love is unconditional. Is it possible to love someone unconditionally? I'd argue yes, and it is only the mind that tells you differently. It's ultimately a choice, which is the beauty of life, we choose how we live it.
Just as if someone came and insulted you, although your conditioned mind might try to pull you into a state that you've understood to be correct for the situation, such as anger, it is ultimately a choice. You could choose to step back and not let what the person said or did effect you and love them either way. Most people live entirely in the state of their conditioned mind, which they think to be who they are and they are in control. But you can easily see is actually not a choice but a conditioning. There is no benefit to you by getting mad, yet people do it and it makes them feel rage inside, which isn't a pleasant state, even though some egos in here might say it is in spite, but really it's not. The only REAL joy in life is in a state of love, but again, not as most understand it. This is hard to explain, because it is a feeling, it'd be like trying to explain love to someone whose never felt it, which is impossible to comprehend through understanding with the mind unless you've experienced it.