tackattack said: " God is unknowable, until he reveals himself to us through spirit, miracles, Jesus and prophets, etc."
Christians are hilarious! You have no proof of the existence of the spirit, you have not personally witnessed any of these so called miracles, you never met Jesus nor even have proof outside of your holy writ that he existed, and the same applies to the so called prophets. Christianity is the most irrational nonsensical system of belief to date. All of your beliefs are based on negative evidence and assertions based on faith.
Christians are hilarious! You have no proof of the existence of the spirit, you have not personally witnessed any of these so called miracles, you never met Jesus nor even have proof outside of your holy writ that he existed, and the same applies to the so called prophets. Christianity is the most irrational nonsensical system of belief to date. All of your beliefs are based on negative evidence and assertions based on faith.
There is nothing people will not maintain when they are slaves to superstition