(November 26, 2013 at 5:45 pm)Raven Wrote: I'd say the Christian Identity racist fucktards. They tend to believe that non-whites have no souls. This means that they can never earn the Lord's favor and be saved.
Jesus Christ paid only for the sins of the House of Israel and the House of Judah and that salvation must be received through both redemption and race, according to these wackjobs. Seems they think they are the descendants of the 10 tribes that were taken away by Assyrians. They stole the idea from British Israelism
They inspired the white supremacist neo nazi The Order who went on a tear involving counterfeiting and robbing armored cars before getting done in by the FBI. Robert Mathews went down in fiery house loaded with explosives and ammo. Former Green Beret and right-wing separatist Randy Weaver had at least a loose association with Christian Identity believers. (Ruby Ridge) eta
They's jes fine Christian folk, donchaknow?
Do you know a lot about these creeps? My research on them is spotty. I do know that David fucktard Barton spoke to overtly racist Christian Identity groups twice.
I did some research on the KKK recently. There is another group of stark-raving-psycho Christians.
A mind is a terrible thing to waste -- don't pollute it with bullshit.