(December 20, 2013 at 2:53 pm)ronedee Wrote: I'm not going to address any of you individually anymore... because you are just like a pack of wild dogs, fighting and feeding on any tidbit that drops off the wagon.
We don't speak the same language. You (all) use personal attacks to "act" like you are getting point(s) across... and to be honest? I'm fucking sick of it!
You're not looking for anything but to degrade God, Jesus and anyone associated with God, and any thoughts of a spiritual nature. You are spiritually dead! Like St. Paul says: "God, and Jesus are nonsense to the lost men of this world." And trying to reason with people like you is an occasion for sin!
The Constitution of the United States of America was written by [Godly people]. Who prayed before every meeting Be glad you're not living with a country (yet) that doesn't fear God. Freedom and God are synonymous. No matter what way you try to carve it up to be.
Why do people want to be in America? Just ask anyone crossing our borders illegally longing for a better life? FREEDOM. And you can't have it without everything that God stands for!
When the Constitutional Convention hit a snag 5 weeks in because of arguments and misunderstandings.... what did they do? PRAY!!
Believe whatever you want about the piece of paper, and the men who assembled it. Fact is, that God was indeed the inspiration that empowered everything that resulted in our US Constitution.
You actually believe that?
If we are so disgusting, you know the way out. Buh-bye.
Skepticism is not a position; it is an approach to claims.
Science is not a subject, but a method.
Science is not a subject, but a method.