This episode exposes the lunacy of the right...but even more so the left.
The issue is whether Jesus and Santa Claus is/was 'White'.
We know that Jesus was a Jew and that the original St. Nicholas was Greek, both these groups of people in the USA are referred to as 'white' for the left to claim otherwise is gross dishonesty on their part since they discriminate against Jews and Greek people in their 'affirmative action' programs to benefit 'people of color'. Clearly the left believes that Jews and Greeks are not 'people of Color'.
There is a stupid argument used by the new left which seems to claim that because Jesus was not blond haired and blue eyed then somehow he looked like an African American. It is, of course, nonsense.
Next we get to the fictional 'Fr Christmas/Santa Claus' who is an amalgam of a number of European folk stories. He incorporates parts of Odin, Finnish Shamanry, the Celtic 'Cernnonos' and the Related British 'Herne the Hunter' as well as the Greek St. Nicholas the creation is clearly rooted in Europe so if you believe that representations should be consistent with geographical norms then 'Santa' is clearly 'white'. Santa is no more 'black' than King Arthur, Robin Hood, Cu Cathulain, Tristrum, Romulus and Remus or any other number of mythical/Legendary European people.
If you chose to make some sort of Jungian Archetype of Santa Claus as a Present giver/ judge of children's behavior then youc an construct anything you like . Afrocentric activists created 'Kwaanza' from nothing as a Black American celebration, It is as valid to create a santa equivalent by borrowing an existing West African god/legendary being or just creating one from nowhere but to injsist that Santa Claus is not white is just pointless posturing and likely to engender racial disharmony.
The issue is whether Jesus and Santa Claus is/was 'White'.
We know that Jesus was a Jew and that the original St. Nicholas was Greek, both these groups of people in the USA are referred to as 'white' for the left to claim otherwise is gross dishonesty on their part since they discriminate against Jews and Greek people in their 'affirmative action' programs to benefit 'people of color'. Clearly the left believes that Jews and Greeks are not 'people of Color'.
There is a stupid argument used by the new left which seems to claim that because Jesus was not blond haired and blue eyed then somehow he looked like an African American. It is, of course, nonsense.
Next we get to the fictional 'Fr Christmas/Santa Claus' who is an amalgam of a number of European folk stories. He incorporates parts of Odin, Finnish Shamanry, the Celtic 'Cernnonos' and the Related British 'Herne the Hunter' as well as the Greek St. Nicholas the creation is clearly rooted in Europe so if you believe that representations should be consistent with geographical norms then 'Santa' is clearly 'white'. Santa is no more 'black' than King Arthur, Robin Hood, Cu Cathulain, Tristrum, Romulus and Remus or any other number of mythical/Legendary European people.
If you chose to make some sort of Jungian Archetype of Santa Claus as a Present giver/ judge of children's behavior then youc an construct anything you like . Afrocentric activists created 'Kwaanza' from nothing as a Black American celebration, It is as valid to create a santa equivalent by borrowing an existing West African god/legendary being or just creating one from nowhere but to injsist that Santa Claus is not white is just pointless posturing and likely to engender racial disharmony.