RE: Strong Atheism starts from faith
February 22, 2010 at 9:30 pm
(This post was last modified: February 22, 2010 at 9:35 pm by tackattack.)
(February 22, 2010 at 10:32 am)tavarish Wrote:
1- If you admit that "There is a possibility that God exists, sure." yet you have no evidence to support it you indeed have faith that a God could exist, I'll call that one self-denial due to the connotation of faith. If you are lending 0 credibility to the existance of God then the first statement is false. One or the other.
2-I completely agree and would almost go as far to say as within our known universe no objecifiable God exists if pushed.
3.5- I am aware of the definition of peer review. You are assuming that no Christians with a testimonial have tested God, which is usually covered in the testimonials. You're also forgetting that the key is subjectivity. I'm not objectively trying to deduct a conclusion. I'm trying to deduce as much informaiton subjectively about an objective absolute outside our known realm of understaning and universe. Nor, do I make a positive claim that God exists. I see things subjectively that subjectively point in that direction, supported by logic, etc. all stated previously. My belief that God exists is an assumption taken wholely on faith.
4.3-To answer your question, if you were sane and rational and the people you got to believe were the same and came from a stance oppsing to your I would definately weigh the possibility. Not that I agree; but, are you implying that my "anecdotal evidence" is untrustworthy or true but doesn't support the conclusion?
4.3.1-I'm saying it has not been equivocated to my experiences. I'm not opposed to submitting to magentic field testing or brain stimuli experiments of any type to try and replicate the experice. I simply don't have access. If you can equivocate my subjective experience with anyting of significant magnitude I'd be happy to conceed the point. ? It very well be confirmation bias, but I'm not unwilling to test that.
4.3.2-If you feel I'm misleading myself and objectively call it wishfull thinking I'll just respectfully disagree. I won't admit it's not possible just "highly unlikely" as you atheists would put it.
4.5-That would mean I would equivocate God to coincidence which is incorrect. Out of my ass, just an arbitrary number from the variables I can intuitively gather about my self view.
4.6- No I don't that's just when I'm the most introspective. I've had it happen plenty of times without prayer.. though never in a dream. But then I'm constanly in a reverent mindset so one could argue I'm praying all the time. You may see it as coincidence, but the sheer volume and accuracy from my perspective, seemingly completely unrelated I would say defies coincidence and would be synchronicity.
4.7- rationalization entails shifting blame correct? It relies on being defencive? It involves introspection with a goal to illicit a desired goal. I'm am clearly not doing either of the first 2. The goals I have are truth , understanding and clarity of purpose, and I'm excited to get answers, but not completely depandant on those answers. I'm not opposed to being an atheist, agnostic, sun worshiper, wiccan, any of those things, I only answer to myself. I feel my intentions are fairly unbiased. If you continue to believe I'm rationalizing , I'll just have to agree to disagree.
4.8-I don't think my sincerity is really in question here or my sincerity of beliefs (any1 else comment?)I know they have happened and will continue. God isn't dependant on us, he is the Alpha nad the Omega. I don't see myself anymore special that the cow I frequently like to eat, just with better tools.
4.8.1-Subjective experience is just that subjective. It can't be used for universal truths, only personal truths. If all evidence for belief in the idea of God has to be both emperical and objective alone then we'll just have to agree that our perspectives differ too much to come to a concensus. I don't think I'll continue to comment on that.
4.8.2-"The objective explanation of all the things you listed can be attributed to your own imagination and thought processes." - I disagree and have stated why.
" In all likelihood, it's the most mater-realistic claim. " Your more than welcome to your perspective.
"There ought to be a term that would designate those who actually follow the teachings of Jesus, since the word 'Christian' has been largely divorced from those teachings, and so polluted by fundamentalists that it has come to connote their polar opposite: intolerance, vindictive hatred, and bigotry." -- Philip Stater, Huffington Post
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