How can an all-powerful (and good) God can allow evil to exist? If God is good, how can he will evil? If he is not good, how is he God? This paradox has perplexed critical thinkers though the ages. For many, it has been a stumbling block to religion. Some believers choose to ignore the problem because of its apparent insolubility.
For the purposes of this discussion, think of God as the Creator. Clearly, the creation is a mix of good and evil. In life, there are joys and sorrows, love and anger. But God is considered to be all good in himself.
Many have said that evil exists, but is not promoted by God. For example, when a person commits a spiteful act, he is drawing evil to himself and God plays no part. Good, on the other hand, is promoted by God so that evil is attributable to the creature and good to God.
Why would an all-powerful God need to "promote" anything? Because people have free will and they can choose to draw near to or away from God. Why would God create people with free will? Because God created people in his own likeness, and God himself has free will.
Thus, one answer to the question, "Why did God create Evil?" begins to take shape. God created a world in which people could act freely- love freely, think freely, create feely. That is, God created a world in which his creation could act like he does. As much is put in the serpent's mouth when he tempts Eve: "For God knows that in the day you eat from it your eyes will be opened, and you will be like God, knowing good and evil." (Gen 3:5). In case you think this argument is blasphemous, consider Jesus' words in defense of the charges of blasphemy leveled against him by the Pharisees: "Jesus answered them, "Has it not been written in your Law, 'I SAID, YOU ARE GODS '?" (John 10:34).
Without evil, is there good? No, because the concepts are relative to each other. The presence of evil allows for the manifestation of good, that is, the manifestation of God.
But still, how can God be thought of as all-good given the existence of evil in his creation? Consider the sun. It is the source and sustainer of all life on earth. Because of the sun, people love and have children (without the sun, this could not happen). But also because of the sun, people murder and torture each other. And yet the sun is unquestionably good. God is like the sun, "He causes his sun to rise on the evil and the good, and sends rain on the righteous and the unrighteous." (Mathew 5:45)
For the purposes of this discussion, think of God as the Creator. Clearly, the creation is a mix of good and evil. In life, there are joys and sorrows, love and anger. But God is considered to be all good in himself.
Many have said that evil exists, but is not promoted by God. For example, when a person commits a spiteful act, he is drawing evil to himself and God plays no part. Good, on the other hand, is promoted by God so that evil is attributable to the creature and good to God.
Why would an all-powerful God need to "promote" anything? Because people have free will and they can choose to draw near to or away from God. Why would God create people with free will? Because God created people in his own likeness, and God himself has free will.
Thus, one answer to the question, "Why did God create Evil?" begins to take shape. God created a world in which people could act freely- love freely, think freely, create feely. That is, God created a world in which his creation could act like he does. As much is put in the serpent's mouth when he tempts Eve: "For God knows that in the day you eat from it your eyes will be opened, and you will be like God, knowing good and evil." (Gen 3:5). In case you think this argument is blasphemous, consider Jesus' words in defense of the charges of blasphemy leveled against him by the Pharisees: "Jesus answered them, "Has it not been written in your Law, 'I SAID, YOU ARE GODS '?" (John 10:34).
Without evil, is there good? No, because the concepts are relative to each other. The presence of evil allows for the manifestation of good, that is, the manifestation of God.
But still, how can God be thought of as all-good given the existence of evil in his creation? Consider the sun. It is the source and sustainer of all life on earth. Because of the sun, people love and have children (without the sun, this could not happen). But also because of the sun, people murder and torture each other. And yet the sun is unquestionably good. God is like the sun, "He causes his sun to rise on the evil and the good, and sends rain on the righteous and the unrighteous." (Mathew 5:45)