(May 4, 2019 at 6:53 pm)Losty Wrote: How do you define good and evil?
Do you think anything is objectively good or evil? If so what?
What do you think drives people to aim for what they believe is good and away from what they believe is evil?
Good in the culture is whatever we feel it should be. In the church many examples can be found what was once good is now evil and what was evil is now good, look at homosexuality the bible defines it as a sexual sin. and yet It went from a completely taboo subject or was blamed for AIDS, to don't ask don't tell, to every show movie or story of any kind has to now have a token gay rep in it. then again what was good like and your other thread a womans role in the church, has been twisted (by omission of 1/2 of the verses that also define a man's roll in the church.)
Self righteousness is what fuels men to rename or lable 'good and evil.' None of us see ourselves as evil people. even in 1940's germany under hitler germans did not wholesale say yeah, we're the bad guys in this conflict but so what this is what we are going to do unless you kill so many of us we have to stop. No they like us see all that we do through the lenses of self righteousness.. Self righteousness is more than a derogatory word, it means to use one's self as your own moral compass or guide. again kind like hitler and stalin did. as a result they built societies that killed literally tens of millions of people, because ther righteousness came from self. with no concern that they ever crossed a line.
Another example of self righteousness in society: let say in nazi germany they had a "superman/soldier" program where they breed blond hair blue eyed children to populate this new world.and every child not born with blonde hair or blue eye in this program was killed or aborted. why? because it was believed that the country needed the superior genetic code that came with blonde hair and blue eyes.
now imagine a society who's criteria is much less loose than the baby's physical features.. lets say in this new society babies can be killed for any reason whatsoever in any stage of pregnancy.
Now if Good and evil where static and linear, things what was wrong under hitler should be even more morally degraded when the rules of infanticide had been lifted in this new society. but in this society we judge hitler as evil, but self righteously judge ourselves good even though we have less rules on infanticide than hitler did, even when there is a measurable decline in morality.
God's laws are static and if we are to judge them with our self righteousness as evil it is we who are evil, not the laws of God.
otherwise under God
"Good" is anything in the expressed will of God/His law being his will expressed.
"Evil" is willfully being outside or in rebellion against the will of God.