You're over thinking this.
All (to the extent of my knowledge) religions have a villian(s) and Hero(es).
It's to add balance and depth to the storyline. There wouldn't be a good story out of a hero who skipped through a field of daisies to find a magical rose and skipped back, but not before having a nap and some chocolate milk.
I mean, I enjoy those kind of stories. But, apparently, humanity likes to be self-absorbed and pushy on their opinions and experiences.
Kudos to whoever can guess my favorite Philosopher based on what I've said.
Obviously, we can't determine the nature of a 'god' without first understanding what we mean when we call something a 'god'.
And trying to make sense of a canaanite war god that was written by people who have no common sense and are a group of the most hateful, promiscuous and bitter people in history is just going to be a headache.
^Not anti-Semite. >Anti bible authors< (I'm part Jewish from my mom's side)
We need evidence before we go willy-nilly.
All (to the extent of my knowledge) religions have a villian(s) and Hero(es).
It's to add balance and depth to the storyline. There wouldn't be a good story out of a hero who skipped through a field of daisies to find a magical rose and skipped back, but not before having a nap and some chocolate milk.
I mean, I enjoy those kind of stories. But, apparently, humanity likes to be self-absorbed and pushy on their opinions and experiences.
Kudos to whoever can guess my favorite Philosopher based on what I've said.
Obviously, we can't determine the nature of a 'god' without first understanding what we mean when we call something a 'god'.
And trying to make sense of a canaanite war god that was written by people who have no common sense and are a group of the most hateful, promiscuous and bitter people in history is just going to be a headache.
^Not anti-Semite. >Anti bible authors< (I'm part Jewish from my mom's side)
We need evidence before we go willy-nilly.