Quote:Life have objective meaning (a point as you say) has huge implications on how we view things, intrinsic worth of human beings, equality, value of life etc, thats why it is so important, athesim paves the way for euthanasia, abortion, sexual promiscuity etc in some cases even infanticide has been proposed. So life having "a point" has huge moral implications.
Erm - no, in a word.
Ultimate meaning in the grand scheme of things is not relevant to any of the above. All we need is an inherited tendency to empathy, reciprocation and a sense of fairness and rightness to get along just fine.
All things gain meaning from our interactions with others on the planet. Evolution rewards those that cooperate with others and the above values, inherited from our forebears allow this to happen.
It is that which dictates our value systems - in conjunction with the society we live in. This allows for exactly what we see in morality across the world's societies. Common elements - provisions against murder, provisions to protect one's property and so on whilst other issues - women's rights, other sexual orientations, race and so on vary from one society to another.
The combination is no less innately valuable than would be a decreed value system from a third party. In fact, I would argue, it is more meaningful.
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