Some people are not aware that carbon-based chemistry has an operating temperature which... surprise surprise... is below the water boiling point of 100ºC (~374K) So, if you put organic molecules in a fusion reactive star, at the nice cozy temperature of 10^34K (are you guys sure about this order of magnitude? seems too much, to me; I always thought the surface of the sun is at about 6000K and the interior a bit higher at ~20000K, but no matter), the molecules will, first disconnect every atom from the next, becoming a gas; then the atoms will lose some of their electrons, becoming a gas of ions which, in certain conditions of pressure and density, can become what is called a plasma and display a nice electro-magnetic behavior...
Anyway, individual ions are not very conducent to life, as what we define as life requires molecular bonds and other features not found in individual ions.
Anyway, individual ions are not very conducent to life, as what we define as life requires molecular bonds and other features not found in individual ions.