I would never espouse that every single peice of bad food would not get through. It's a nirvana fallacy to assume that could be the case. But if the FDA increases general safety of food, by catching, say 90% of bad food, then that to me is worth having.
It's like a seat belt. Do you not wear a seat belt because on rare occasions seat belts kill people? But the chances of dying without one are greater, therefore it makes sense to have that seat belt.
I'm not opposed to watchdog groups, but I'm opposed to them being the only form of regulation.
Ultimately I think libertarianism is the halfwit brother of socialism. Extremely idealistic to a fault, without considering the propensity of humans to constantly try to fuck each other over.
It's like a seat belt. Do you not wear a seat belt because on rare occasions seat belts kill people? But the chances of dying without one are greater, therefore it makes sense to have that seat belt.
I'm not opposed to watchdog groups, but I'm opposed to them being the only form of regulation.
Ultimately I think libertarianism is the halfwit brother of socialism. Extremely idealistic to a fault, without considering the propensity of humans to constantly try to fuck each other over.
"The way to see by faith is to shut the eye of reason." Benjamin Franklin
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