Believe it or not, religion has a real purpose in our every-day lives. I'm going to talk about this after a theory of mine.
First of all, my theory. With my idea of the purpose religion, it seems as it could have been something created by people of power to calm the masses. As we see mostly in history, the powerful and intelligent have created religion for the "peasants". For instance, the Pharaoh of Egypt would always be considered himself a god. This was a way to suppress his people and his slaves. Nobody wants to fuck with a god. Again, another example of this "calming of the masses" appears in the new testament of the christian bible. Jesus called for slaves to be "good slaves" and obey their masters, and they will enter heaven.
What connection can we make from this? This all ties back to what I feel is the purpose of religion. The purpose of religion is to suppress the lower class of society. Why do we see a correlation with wealth and atheism? Why is there a connection between atheism and intelligence, and a correlation between being poor and being religious? Consider the janitors that work at McDonalds or gas stations. What do you use to satisfy them and ensure that they don't rise up? Religion. What do you use to ensure that they don't grab power from you? Religion. However, it's important. This might be a rather "cold" statement, but we need those janitors. We need the lower classes of society to help us with things like cleaning up, and religion is the way to keep it like that.
First of all, my theory. With my idea of the purpose religion, it seems as it could have been something created by people of power to calm the masses. As we see mostly in history, the powerful and intelligent have created religion for the "peasants". For instance, the Pharaoh of Egypt would always be considered himself a god. This was a way to suppress his people and his slaves. Nobody wants to fuck with a god. Again, another example of this "calming of the masses" appears in the new testament of the christian bible. Jesus called for slaves to be "good slaves" and obey their masters, and they will enter heaven.
What connection can we make from this? This all ties back to what I feel is the purpose of religion. The purpose of religion is to suppress the lower class of society. Why do we see a correlation with wealth and atheism? Why is there a connection between atheism and intelligence, and a correlation between being poor and being religious? Consider the janitors that work at McDonalds or gas stations. What do you use to satisfy them and ensure that they don't rise up? Religion. What do you use to ensure that they don't grab power from you? Religion. However, it's important. This might be a rather "cold" statement, but we need those janitors. We need the lower classes of society to help us with things like cleaning up, and religion is the way to keep it like that.