(April 22, 2014 at 11:42 pm)Wyrd of Gawd Wrote: The Earth's solar system is actually part of the Sagittarius Dwarf Galaxy, which is being absorbed into the larger Milky Way Galaxy. Consequently, our solar system is not in the plane of the Milky Way but is offset at at rather high angle to it. We don't exactly revolve around the center of the Milky Way Galaxy as many people think.
I googled for information about this.
Milky Way Owes Its Shape to Crashes With Dwarf Galaxy
I then found an article on the Discover Magazine website debunking the idea that our solar system is part of the Sagittarius Dwarf Galaxy.
Is The Sun From Another Galaxy?
The article was written by Phil Plait
Quote:Philip Cary Plait (born September 30, 1964),[1] also known as The Bad Astronomer, is an American astronomer, skeptic, writer and popular science blogger. Plait has worked as part of the Hubble Space Telescope team, images and spectra of astronomical objects, as well as engaging in public outreach advocacy for NASA missions. He has written two books, Bad Astronomy and Death from the Skies. He has also appeared in several science documentaries, including Phil Plait's Bad Universe on the Discovery Channel. From August 2008 through 2009, he served as President of the James Randi Educational Foundation.[2][3]