(April 25, 2014 at 6:27 am)BlackSwordsman Wrote: So here is the back-story. I use to be a christian. Moving forward. I met this girl in college years back, she had 3-children. Hispanic family, catholic.
She wasn't very religious but her mother was.
by the time we got engaged we both lost our religion and converted to Buddhism (we do not believe in a god we follow the third school of philosophy)
But that being said the children have been heavily indoctrinated by her mother and other outside sources to the EXTREME.
my now-daughter brings up "god" all the time, saying stuff like "god healed my owy" etc.
When I told her god does not exist the look on her face would be the same if I had told her I was a martian.
How to break indoctrination?
We do not care if the children follow buddhism we would simply like them to use logic rather than fairy tales from a made up book.
I would try and teach her about why her owy healed. Obviously you can't just read from the science book, your talking to a kid, but explain it in terms she could understand. I don't know how old she is, but I bet The Magic Schoolbus probably has some episode about skin cells that would be entertaining and educational too.