Anybody who feels a moral compulsion to force women to have babies they don't want, and who does not feel an equally-strong moral compulsion to ensure that these babies grow up without the fear of starvation or preventable medical problems, isn't pro-life at all. They believe that life is sacred until it is out of the womb. Then, fuck it.
As there aren't that many people who would be willing to pay to provide for the babies they want forced into the world, there aren't that many "pro-lifers". There are, however, a great many anti-choicers. It's just that rare opportunity to hide misogyny behind a mask of morality that is actually convincing to people who don't question them too carefully.
As there aren't that many people who would be willing to pay to provide for the babies they want forced into the world, there aren't that many "pro-lifers". There are, however, a great many anti-choicers. It's just that rare opportunity to hide misogyny behind a mask of morality that is actually convincing to people who don't question them too carefully.