Some of those comments.
To which I responded with:
It's true, though. These morons are becoming less and less numerous. The ratio of pro-lifers to pro-choicers is getting more in our favor, less in theirs. And yet they hear of a rally for it and they instantly start getting all hyped over the victory they will never see.
I love it.

Some of those comments.
Quote:I love to see the youth there! They are our hope for the future! Raise them right, counteract the liberal indoctrination in the public schools, and they will grow up and change things - including getting Roe v Wade overturned!
To which I responded with:
Quote:Lol get real. The numbers of youth who are in support of pro-choice are rising, the youth who support pro-life are getting rarer.
All your grandstanding is hilarious. Triumphant declarations of victories from the losing party.
Nothing more pathetic than that.
It's true, though. These morons are becoming less and less numerous. The ratio of pro-lifers to pro-choicers is getting more in our favor, less in theirs. And yet they hear of a rally for it and they instantly start getting all hyped over the victory they will never see.
I love it.