(June 7, 2014 at 1:58 pm)ShenHz Wrote: Matter is VibrationOay I see the line of movement of the wave. I see how you put God into the ecuation. Which by the way I find it very dumb, because assuming it is Gods work for something that you cannot explain it's the oldest excuse(Yeah you heard me pal EXCUSE) in the history. Why people can't say "I can' explain it" or "I don't know why this happens." But to be honest that's not the worst part. What I want to know. And I wish you could explain to me is: WHAT THE HELL IS THAT CHRISTIAN CROSS DOING THERE?!! Because I don't reember any particular scientific symbol that looks like a christian cross.
Vibration is Wave
Wave is Motion
Motion is the seeking of Balance
Balance is the seeking of Equilibrium
Equilibrium is Stillness
Stillness is Eternal
Eternity is God.
So please tell me how do you proove that the god behind your theory is the christian one. Tell me judeo-christian god interventions have a particular trademark or signature?