You should have taken the blue pill.
All kidding aside...
I was quite young when I gave up the ghost so I don't have a good frame of reference to appreciate the benefits you lost. In fact, I think that having been atheist for so long I would have the same sense of loss if I were to convert the other direction. I understand and accept my mortality. I don't necessarily like the idea of such a short existence, but I am more comfortable living a good and productive life without the additional burden of following arbitrary rules in exchange for the unproven promise of heaven. The other aspect of this that would bother me is knowing that the entity with the power to grant such an existence is strangely missing from the contract. Only self anointed experts are involved in the transaction. Seems dubious at best.
All kidding aside...
I was quite young when I gave up the ghost so I don't have a good frame of reference to appreciate the benefits you lost. In fact, I think that having been atheist for so long I would have the same sense of loss if I were to convert the other direction. I understand and accept my mortality. I don't necessarily like the idea of such a short existence, but I am more comfortable living a good and productive life without the additional burden of following arbitrary rules in exchange for the unproven promise of heaven. The other aspect of this that would bother me is knowing that the entity with the power to grant such an existence is strangely missing from the contract. Only self anointed experts are involved in the transaction. Seems dubious at best.