My parents promised their children would receive a (Methodist) Christian education when we were baptized. And this was in the 50s and 60s when promises made in church before a crowd were taken damn seriously.
I find some enjoyment as an adult reminding the divorced and remarried "chrisitans" among us of how that 'good old time religion' they seem to crave really worked.
I have NEVER heard of a divorced and remarried "christian" of any stripe ever repudiating a subsequent marriage and then insisting on annulling it and returning to the first marriage. Never, ever, ever.
I find some enjoyment as an adult reminding the divorced and remarried "chrisitans" among us of how that 'good old time religion' they seem to crave really worked.
I have NEVER heard of a divorced and remarried "christian" of any stripe ever repudiating a subsequent marriage and then insisting on annulling it and returning to the first marriage. Never, ever, ever.