It was conjectured that, because of the belief the moon is millions of years old that the lander would come down into a vast dust cavity when landing.
Not a peep about this came forth after the "Landing" -
I remember that fact during the event.
Either the millions of years are bogus or the landing was.
There was dust around the lander, in spite of the fact there would have been multiplied thousandths of pounds of thrust blowing all of it away and glazing the rocks from the heat. There would have been an actual crater surrounding the lander if reality was in effect.
In the crisp black and white shots (done on a stage- probably at Area 51) shadows are seen at different angle and NO stars are seen.
If this was on the moon, stars would be visible and shadows would not reveal different light sources.
The media was prevented from live feed at the control center and had to camera the fuzzy pictures off a projector. Why? Why were the pics fuzzy? The crew had a color camera on board, however, all pics supposedly on the moon were black and white.
The space capsule was orbiting the earth while pretending to be on the moon.
They were well out of range of anyone's radar to pick up and the Russians would not know where to aim radar anyway.
Being in earth orbit, the crew were out of range of the deadly radiation belt between them and the moon.
Why the Russians did not ballyhoo what they knew about the Van Allen belt, I do not know. Maybe they fell for the hoax too.
Very few people who worked on the program knew the whole picture.
It is the same in every industry.
Especially one with the cloak of secrecy around it.
Back when the event occurred, I did not think much about it. I saw it, believed it.
I was into cars not rockets.
I did escape Vietnam because of a severe injury, and as the years progressed I started adding up the lies of govt. to where I believe nothing they say- only what they do.
Just as I believe nothing the Impostor says - only what he does.
Not a peep about this came forth after the "Landing" -
I remember that fact during the event.
Either the millions of years are bogus or the landing was.
There was dust around the lander, in spite of the fact there would have been multiplied thousandths of pounds of thrust blowing all of it away and glazing the rocks from the heat. There would have been an actual crater surrounding the lander if reality was in effect.
In the crisp black and white shots (done on a stage- probably at Area 51) shadows are seen at different angle and NO stars are seen.
If this was on the moon, stars would be visible and shadows would not reveal different light sources.
The media was prevented from live feed at the control center and had to camera the fuzzy pictures off a projector. Why? Why were the pics fuzzy? The crew had a color camera on board, however, all pics supposedly on the moon were black and white.
The space capsule was orbiting the earth while pretending to be on the moon.
They were well out of range of anyone's radar to pick up and the Russians would not know where to aim radar anyway.
Being in earth orbit, the crew were out of range of the deadly radiation belt between them and the moon.
Why the Russians did not ballyhoo what they knew about the Van Allen belt, I do not know. Maybe they fell for the hoax too.
Very few people who worked on the program knew the whole picture.
It is the same in every industry.
Especially one with the cloak of secrecy around it.
Back when the event occurred, I did not think much about it. I saw it, believed it.
I was into cars not rockets.
I did escape Vietnam because of a severe injury, and as the years progressed I started adding up the lies of govt. to where I believe nothing they say- only what they do.
Just as I believe nothing the Impostor says - only what he does.