RE: Believers!! Don't mislead people
June 18, 2014 at 9:38 am
(This post was last modified: June 18, 2014 at 10:02 am by Muslim Atheism.)
(June 17, 2014 at 11:25 am)Brian37 Wrote:
There is a slew of verses in that vile comic book that treat women as filthy and blame women for what men do and treat them like SHIT, just like the bible does.
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ISSUE: Whether the Quran treat women as filthy, blame women and treat women like SHIT?
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Quote:Women in the Quran
Next Allah gets down to the really important things in life. Things we all wonder about from time to time. Like should I marry a few idolatresses? Is an Islamic concubine better than a really hot Christian woman? Should I refuse to give my daughter to a Jewish man until he becomes a Muslim? And who should I invite to the Fire anyway? 2:221
Why not ?
Allah said "until they believe" and abides to the rules in the Quran.
It is not about them, it is about what they believe. . . and Allah referring to both male and female. ..
And do not marry the female polytheists until they believe.
For a believing female servant is better than a polytheist even if she attracts you.
And do not marry the male polytheists until they believe.
For a believing male servant is better than a polytheist even if he attracts you.
Those invite to the Fire, while God is inviting to the Paradise and forgiveness by His consent.
He clarifies His revelations for the people that they may remember.
So what is the problem?
In what way the Quran treat women as filthy and like shit?
Does the author know about the subject he wrote ?
Please prove your contention/point.
(June 17, 2014 at 11:25 am)Brian37 Wrote:
There is a slew of verses in that vile comic book that treat women as filthy and blame women for what men do and treat them like SHIT, just like the bible does.
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ISSUE: Whether the Quran treat women as filthy, blame women and treat women like SHIT?
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Quote:Women in the Quran
Menstruation is a filthy disease. All good Muslim men should stay the hell away from menstruating women And for God sakes, don't have sex with them while they're menstruating. It creeps Allah out just to think of it. 2:222a
But don't worry guys. After they clean up you can have sex with them whenever you want. Allah loves clean men as much as he hates menstruating women. 2:222b
Why not ?
You make sex with menstruating women ?
Sorry, I don't do that kind of stuff. . .if you wish, you go ahead.
And they ask you about the menstruations?
Say: "It is harmful, so retire yourselves sexually from the women during the menstruations,
and do not approach them until they are cleansed.
When they are cleansed, then you may approach them as God has commanded you."
God loves the repenters and He loves the cleansed.
Your women are a cultivation for you.
So approach your cultivation as you wish towards goodness.
And be aware of God and know that you will meet Him
and give good news to the believers.
and what is the problem?
In what way the Quran treat women as filthy and like shit?
Does the author know about the subject he wrote ?
Please prove your contention/point.
(June 17, 2014 at 11:25 am)Brian37 Wrote:
There is a slew of verses in that vile comic book that treat women as filthy and blame women for what men do and treat them like SHIT, just like the bible does.
. . .
ISSUE: Whether the Quran treat women as filthy, blame women and treat women like SHIT?
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Quote:Women in the Quran
Still, if a man doesn't want to have sex with his wives, Allah is OK with that, too. Wait four months, then if they change their minds, go ahead and have sex with them. 2:226
This is the process about before taking a decision to divorce.
For those who abstain from their wives
they shall be given four months
If they cease, then God is Forgiving, Merciful
And if they insist on the divorce
then God is Hearer, Knowledgeable
So what is the problem?
In what way the Quran treat women as filthy and like shit?
Does the author know about the subject he wrote ?
Please prove your contention/point.
(June 17, 2014 at 11:25 am)Brian37 Wrote:
There is a slew of verses in that vile comic book that treat women as filthy and blame women for what men do and treat them like SHIT, just like the bible does.
. . .
ISSUE: Whether the Quran treat women as filthy, blame women and treat women like SHIT?
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Quote:Women in the Quran
Women may not have sex for three months after getting a divorce. If they skip one of their filthy periods, they must not hide it. In such a case, Allah suggests that their ex-husbands take their pregnant wives back. 2:228a
Women have rights that are similar to men, but men are "a degree above them." 2:228b
It is about before they are getting married again, and in case they are pregnant and giving chances for them to reconcile.
And those divorced shall wait for three menstruation periods
and it is not lawful for them to conceal what God has created in their wombs,
if they believe in God and the Last Day.
And their husbands would then have just cause to return together, if they both wish to reconcile.
And the obligations owed to them are to be fulfilled, as are the obligations owed by them.
But the men will have a greater responsibility over them in this.
And God is Noble, Wise.
So what is the issue ?
In what way the Quran treat women as filthy and like shit?
Does the author know about the subject he wrote ?
Please prove your contention/point.
(June 17, 2014 at 11:25 am)Brian37 Wrote:
There is a slew of verses in that vile comic book that treat women as filthy and blame women for what men do and treat them like SHIT, just like the bible does.
. . .
ISSUE: Whether the Quran treat women as filthy, blame women and treat women like SHIT?
. . .
Quote:Women in the Quran
If you divorce your wife, you must divorce her twice. And she can ransom herself, whatever that might mean. 2:229
But if you divorce your wife for the third time, you can't have her again until she marries another guy. Then if the other guy divorces her, it's OK for you to have sex with your four-times divorced wife. What the hell. These are the limits of Allah. 2:230
After your divorced wives have reached the end of their 3 month waiting period, you can take them or leave them. Just don't make Allah a laughing-stock. 2:231
If you decide to go ahead with the divorce, let your ex-wives get married again. It's cleaner that way. Allah knows; you don't. 2:232
When a man dies, his wives can't have sex for four months and ten days. After that, if they're not pregnant, it's no sin for the dead man if his wives have sex again. 2:234
So what is the issue ?
Does the author know about the subject he wrote ?
And if they insist on the divorce
then God is Hearer, Knowledgeable.
And those divorced shall wait for three menstruation periods
and it is not lawful for them to conceal what God has created in their wombs
if they believe in God and the Last Day
And their husbands would then have just cause to return together
if they both wish to reconcile
And the obligations owed to them are to be fulfilled, as are the obligations owed by them.
But the men will have a greater responsibility over them in this.
And God is Noble, Wise.
The divorce is allowed twice.
So, either they remain together equitably, or they part ways with goodness.
And it is not lawful for you to take back anything you have given them
unless you fear that they will not uphold the boundaries of God.
So if you fear that they will not uphold the boundaries of God,
then there is no sin upon them for what is given back.
These are the boundaries of God so do not transgress them.
And whoever shall transgress the boundaries of God, then these are the wicked.
So if he divorces her again,
then she will not be lawful for him until after she has married a different husband; if he divorces her;
then there is no sin that they come back together if they think they will uphold the boundaries of God.
These are the boundaries of God, He clarifies them for a people who know.
And if you have divorced the women, and they have reached their required interim period,
then either you remain together equitably,
or part ways equitably.
And do not reconcile with them so you can harm them out of animosity;
whoever does so is doing wrong to his soul;
and do not take the revelations of God as mockery.
And remember the blessings of God upon you, and what was sent down to you of the Book and the wisdom, He warns you with it.
And be aware of God and know that God is knowledgeable of all things.
And if you divorce the women, and they reach their required interim period,
then do not make difficulty for them if they wish to remarry their husbands
if they have amicably agreed among themselves out of what is best.
This is to remind any of you who believe in God and the Last Day,
this is better for you and purer;
and God knows while you do not know.
And the divorced mothers are allowed to suckle their children two full years,
if they wish to complete the suckling.
And the man for whom the child is born is responsible for both their provisions and clothing equitably.
A soul is not burdened except with what it can bear.
No mother shall be harmed because of her child,
nor shall a father be harmed because of his child.
And for the guardian is the same requirement.
So if they wish to separate out of mutual agreement and counsel,
then there is no sin upon them.
And if you want to hire nursing mothers,
then there is no sin upon you if you return what you have been given equitably.
And be aware of God, and know that God is watching over what you do.
And for those of you whose lives are terminated and they leave widows behind,
then their widows will have a required interim period of four months and ten.
So when they reach their required interim,
then there is no sin upon you for what they do with themselves in goodness. And
God is Expert to what you do.
So what is the problem?
In what way the Quran treat women as filthy and like shit?
Please prove your contention/point.