(June 29, 2014 at 10:24 pm)Rhythm Wrote: Why can't we do anything about how deeply embedded religion might be? We try to make changes to other deeply embedded things (slavery and racism in my country) so why not this? "It's really hard" isn;t a very good reason not to try, to me. I can accept the historical influence of religion just as well, and then insist that we strive to make it just that - historical.
Quote:Would you consider, let's say, defending Human Rights something influenced by religion?I would say that you simply cannot defend human rights at all from the point of view of religion. From the point of view of religion human beings don't have rights, they have a list of responsibilities. What is the method of redress in religion if you feel that the cosmic authority has trampled your "rights"? Worship harder. Gods wipe their asses with our human rights on principle alone. So yeah, I'[d say that defending human rights has been an uphill battle with all the nutjobs in the world consulting fairies before they consult their own collective human experience. Even when they aren't in the way - they're just bogging us (and that us includes themselves) down.
Quote:I'd also like to ask what was the purpose of putting the word 'secularism' between commas as if it was a fake secularism, in my country, despite the predominance of Christianity (70% more or less), there is an Atheist associations to defend atheists rights, just like religious organizations for other minor religions are allow, there is not a special benefit given to Christianity and a simple evidence that it doesn't influence public decisions is the legalization of gay marriage, abortion, and gay adoption is also on it's way.I'm sure that your country is just as secular as mine, in fact it sounds like the same country. I'm also sure that the decision to classify a country as "secular" has no effect on whether or not their policies actually are secular.
Quote:Were you saying your wife is a Christian? So if you're an anti-theist, how do you get along so fine? I'm guessing it's just as an ultra conservative dating a communistIndeed, we get along the same way that anyone else does. Common interests, common goals. Mutual respect, shared experiences, communication. That sort of thing. We're two adult human beings in a deeply committed relationship with each other. We both, being adults, understand that we do not always have to agree, that we may see faults in each other (to be honest, a person who can't spot my faults isn't even dating material, let alone marriage material) and each others reasoning. I don't like everything about my wife's position on religion....I don't even know everything about my wife's position on religion - but that's okay, that's normal, I still love my wife. I think she has one terrible idea, but it doesn't invalidate the mountain of good ideas I also think she has.
In the end, she doesn't drag our kids to church and I don;t teach them how to be god-hating heathens. This arrangement has worked for us so far.
I'd like to ask you common examples in first world countries of public decisions indirectly influenced by religion without people noticing it... And making gay marriage or abortion illegal isn't valid because some states have already legalized
I think everybody should stand for human/fundamental rights, independently of belief, but I agree partially.
Well the fact religion is fading away and young people are becoming less and less religious is undoubtedly a positive sign of secularism
Well I respect that, it's good that you and your wife can get along fine despite having radically different beliefs
I'd like to ask you, out of sheer curiosity, what made you become an anti-theist? Most anti-theists I know mainly criticize religion but rarely theism by itself, theism is not synonymous with religion, I could call myself anti-religious at most, but agnostic theists or deists have never bothered me, most of these people are reasonably intelligent and are open minded to discussion, why are you against theism per se if it doesn't hurt anyone by itself, only with religion? Same goes for deism and pantheism
Whoever fights monsters should see to it that in the process he does not become a monster. And if you gaze long enough into an abyss, the abyss will gaze back into you