I've never understood the "no sex before marriage" edict. I listen to music before I buy it. Watch movies before I buy them. Test drive a car before I buy one. Why the fuck wouldn't I have sex before making that type of commitment? For fucks sake, I think people should not only fuck before they're married, they should do it a lot, with a lot of others. Same for living together. This is a must before marriage. There is no better way to figure out the things your significant other will do to piss you off than to live with 'em. Dirty socks on the floor, toilet seat up or down, toothpaste tube squeezed in the middle, dildos left on the coffee table, whatever... These are the things you learn from living together. Trust me, unless he/she's dropping a hint, you're never gonna see those dildos on the coffee table while you're just dating. He/she's still trying to impress.
Thief and assassin for hire. Member in good standing of the Rogues Guild.