I'm raising a free market fanatic (I hesitate to say fundamentalist because she does see the value of some kinds of regulation). She also spins. ---yes I will get to the point--- Anyway, when I do art fairs she sometimes comes along and spins outside my booth.
An elderly gentlemen approached her at a fair and asked the usual questions about her spinning wheel, and where she gets her wool, and what she does with the yarn. Then he said what a shame it was that modern textile mills put the spinners out of business, how all of those poor displaced persons lost their jobs.
And she hit him with both barrels about how much better off we all are now that people can buy cloth cheaply. And how all of those displaced spinners and weavers went on to learn other trades. And how the economy is not a zero sum game. And how more efficient manufacturing leads to more goods and more jobs in the long run even if there is disruption and unemployment in the short run. (All this from the mouth of a 16 year old).
She's further right than I am. But I really love my daughter.
And in this case she's right (not just right).
An elderly gentlemen approached her at a fair and asked the usual questions about her spinning wheel, and where she gets her wool, and what she does with the yarn. Then he said what a shame it was that modern textile mills put the spinners out of business, how all of those poor displaced persons lost their jobs.
And she hit him with both barrels about how much better off we all are now that people can buy cloth cheaply. And how all of those displaced spinners and weavers went on to learn other trades. And how the economy is not a zero sum game. And how more efficient manufacturing leads to more goods and more jobs in the long run even if there is disruption and unemployment in the short run. (All this from the mouth of a 16 year old).
She's further right than I am. But I really love my daughter.
And in this case she's right (not just right).
If there is a god, I want to believe that there is a god. If there is not a god, I want to believe that there is no god.