Hello Dreamer
Sounds like you may take quite some time to shake off years of religious indoctrination. But you will get there. Meanwhile keep reading the forums post what you like. Just ignore the occasional trolls and fu**wits that hang out in every forum. Atheist bigots are just as bad as religious bigots, its a right of passage in the backlash against their former religious upbringing. You don't say what it is that you require an answer to. But you have all the answers in your head already, just put in some work thinking through it all, something religions don't like you to do.
Sounds like you may take quite some time to shake off years of religious indoctrination. But you will get there. Meanwhile keep reading the forums post what you like. Just ignore the occasional trolls and fu**wits that hang out in every forum. Atheist bigots are just as bad as religious bigots, its a right of passage in the backlash against their former religious upbringing. You don't say what it is that you require an answer to. But you have all the answers in your head already, just put in some work thinking through it all, something religions don't like you to do.