That made me so sad. That poor kid... I just don't...
I've forgotten how awful religion really can be, and the extent people will go to honor it. As much as I've had beef with my parents over the years, I can't imagine my sexual orientation causing them to actually disown me because of an ancient text and a bunch of woo. They are (or were, in my dad's case) pretty religious- my dad left millions to his tiny church in TN when he died- but I don't think either would ever go to such an extent.
Where's the humanity? Where's the love? And how do parents not see that their kids are actually, truly, hurting deep down because they really can't change, despite their family telling them they have to? All because of said woo? How can these people worship a deity who would have them renounce their own child?
I've forgotten how awful religion really can be, and the extent people will go to honor it. As much as I've had beef with my parents over the years, I can't imagine my sexual orientation causing them to actually disown me because of an ancient text and a bunch of woo. They are (or were, in my dad's case) pretty religious- my dad left millions to his tiny church in TN when he died- but I don't think either would ever go to such an extent.
Where's the humanity? Where's the love? And how do parents not see that their kids are actually, truly, hurting deep down because they really can't change, despite their family telling them they have to? All because of said woo? How can these people worship a deity who would have them renounce their own child?
Nolite te bastardes carborundorum.