Quote:2:223 (from Abdullah Yussuf Ali) Your wives are as a tilth unto you; so approach your tilth when or how ye will; but do some good act for your souls beforehand; and fear Allah.dont expect that god will tell in the Quran the words in such details regarding sex it is said in a beautiful way and simple that makes you get it without getting in details. and also you should think why god said after these words and fear Allah? and yes its something before act its like dont start having sex with your wife when she is not in the same position as you are because this is humilating you are not having sex with a couch lol. you may think thats wierd to be mentioned in the Quran but this is the general idea when having sex with your wife as if you are not acting with respect and you just deal with her during sex as an object believe me that will be reflected in your relationship regarding respect to each other(do some searches on statistics regarding this issue) one of my married friends was having problems with his wife a lot after marriage so i asked him was this problems there before marriage he said no so i just told him this verse and you cant imagine how his marriage life changed
If your explanation was the original intent of this verse, why did they not write explicitly about feelings and emotions, or at least something like "be good to her during the act" ? The message is not clear at all, it seems like a general advice to do some good acts for both of them without specifying which acts. Moreover, it says "BEFOREHAND" (and all translations agree that it is something done BEFORE the act) so it can't be to care about her during the act.
Quote:Therefore it ain't no misconception that Islam sometimes recommends stoning, and it applies to fucking in public.................................................this is fucked up. period.
Quote:Oh I can totally rely to your argument! Even myself I sometimes kill people for fun, but don't worry, I DO IT EXTREMELY RARELY and I make sure to let noone see me![/sarcasm] The rarity doesn't make it OK and is no excuse at all ! I cannot respect a text which demands to kill someone for having sex in public. If it's in the Qur'an (and I'd like to have the quote) then no matter how great the rest of the book might be (and it certainly is not!), it is still sick !you find this agressive see how many babies are killed(in abortion) because they have no father or because the woman is not ready to be a mother thats ok with you to kill babies who have done nothing wrong or to put an agressive punishment for having sex in public so people stop doing that? thats only one thing there is a lot of other things that is the happening because of sex before marriage
Same thing for the 80 lashes (24:2)
Quote:If there is a punishment directly afterward it's not freedom.so you are not following the law of your country?what do you mean by directly afterward?
Quote:So you're saying that you encounter women with no hijab frequently, you know God will punish them but you don't do anything like telling her she should wear it ? If you have any empathy you should do that everytime !in some situations you cant just tell her as this will just make her annoyed and will not wear the hijab also she will just hate me for embarressing her if she is someone i know very well i talk to her in a way that she dont feel uncomfartable and if i dont know her i just lower my gaze in an obvious way and they sometimes get it