Mo, you are a sexually repressed fool. Porn does NOT increase rape, incest or disease. No valid study has ever shown that. If anything it helps prevent some sex harms. Here's how.
In porn, there are many categories. Most are about safe, nonharmful acts between consenting adults. Most of us are very lucky in that our desires are for these safe acts. However, some people get aroused from things that would be harmful if they really did them, like rape and incest. If these people are good people, they will know that they must not carry out their desires because it would cause harm.
For these people, if they view porn that pretends (it is acting like in movies for the story they present) to be about rape or incest, then each time they use the porn for relief, it prevents an incident of real life rape or incest from happening.
If the porn industry is illegal, then there is nothing to prevent women from being forced into it. But if it's legal, they will have the same protections and rights as any other type of worker.
No one should be forced into any type of job, including porn or hooking. However, if someone voluntarily and informedly enters into such work, it's her or his choice, and it's not up to you to tell them whether they find it humiliating or not. Do you ask house maids whether they find scrubbing other people's toilets humiliating? Maybe that's more humiliating than a job making lots of money in porn.
And watching it is never humiliating. If it were, the person simply would not be watching. For YOU, it's humiliating, so you should never watch it. But don't tell others what to do when no harm is caused (and perhaps some good IS caused).
And how on earth do you catch a disease from porn?????? Are we talking tennis elbow or something? Carpal tunnel syndrome? Anything that can't be solved by using the other hand? Hahahahah
In porn, there are many categories. Most are about safe, nonharmful acts between consenting adults. Most of us are very lucky in that our desires are for these safe acts. However, some people get aroused from things that would be harmful if they really did them, like rape and incest. If these people are good people, they will know that they must not carry out their desires because it would cause harm.
For these people, if they view porn that pretends (it is acting like in movies for the story they present) to be about rape or incest, then each time they use the porn for relief, it prevents an incident of real life rape or incest from happening.
If the porn industry is illegal, then there is nothing to prevent women from being forced into it. But if it's legal, they will have the same protections and rights as any other type of worker.
No one should be forced into any type of job, including porn or hooking. However, if someone voluntarily and informedly enters into such work, it's her or his choice, and it's not up to you to tell them whether they find it humiliating or not. Do you ask house maids whether they find scrubbing other people's toilets humiliating? Maybe that's more humiliating than a job making lots of money in porn.
And watching it is never humiliating. If it were, the person simply would not be watching. For YOU, it's humiliating, so you should never watch it. But don't tell others what to do when no harm is caused (and perhaps some good IS caused).
And how on earth do you catch a disease from porn?????? Are we talking tennis elbow or something? Carpal tunnel syndrome? Anything that can't be solved by using the other hand? Hahahahah
I'm really shitty at giving kudos and rep. That's because I would be inconsistent in remembering to do them, and also I don't really want it to show if any favouritism is happening. Even worse would be inconsistencies causing false favouritisms to show. So, fuck it. Just assume that I've given you some good rep and a number of kudos, and everyone should be happy...