Saying 'there exists a praying atheist' is almost as egregious as saying 'there exists a married bachelor'. The definition of prayer invokes God or some other object of worship; like George Carlin's skit where he prays to Joe Pesci with wish fulfillment rates being the same as when he used to pray to God. I don't think this is what the OP is after though.
The OP is out to change the definition of prayer, where prayer becomes essentially any thought activity: introspection, concentration, wishful thinking, etc. If prayer is to be so broadly defined and stripped of a beseeched deity then the query 'do atheists pray?' becomes nonsense as it describes activities executed by any normally functioning human.
The OP is out to change the definition of prayer, where prayer becomes essentially any thought activity: introspection, concentration, wishful thinking, etc. If prayer is to be so broadly defined and stripped of a beseeched deity then the query 'do atheists pray?' becomes nonsense as it describes activities executed by any normally functioning human.