I wish you do a bit more researches before you come down with your judgements.
A rudimental or simple mortar was uses by the Egyptian (as far as we know) 4000 years ago for the first time.
After that the Roman developed a bit more sophisticate type of mortar and these days we got even more sophisticate types of mortar and cement that allow the construction of toll buildings.
Before that time people had to build with mud and straws which they turned into some sort of bricks but these bricks have little to do with the modern bricks which last for ages and ages.
From this simple facts it is obvious that in Varanasi the researchers couldn't find much evidence of buildings dating earlier than 4000 years as these mud&straws construction could not last so long.
But again if you can find some sort of evidence that prove that before 4000 years ago in that area people had knowledge of mortar&cement i will be happy to hear.
I wish you do a bit more researches before you come down with your judgements.
A rudimental or simple mortar was uses by the Egyptian (as far as we know) 4000 years ago for the first time.
After that the Roman developed a bit more sophisticate type of mortar and these days we got even more sophisticate types of mortar and cement that allow the construction of toll buildings.
Before that time people had to build with mud and straws which they turned into some sort of bricks but these bricks have little to do with the modern bricks which last for ages and ages.
From this simple facts it is obvious that in Varanasi the researchers couldn't find much evidence of buildings dating earlier than 4000 years as these mud&straws construction could not last so long.
But again if you can find some sort of evidence that prove that before 4000 years ago in that area people had knowledge of mortar&cement i will be happy to hear.