I had a bit of an argument with an acquaintance on the intertubes about Freemasons *sigh* and sort of about religion, and here are some terrifyingly hilarious gems from it:
Evidence no. but common sense yes...
BLIND!? your the blind one who wants information spoon fed to him. i dont need evidence. most shit doesnt have evidence to it.
why look for evidence when you can use your own initiative to believe in what? i dont believe what im told. i believe what i want. get it?.
i dont believe in science it goes against my religion. therefor i can gladly say fuck science. the evolution theory bullshit. big bang theory bullshit. etc...
i've got much more better stuff to be getting on with; then to be 'argueing' with some guy who believes that we orginate from monkeys. maybe you do but me No. p.s you've still got the brain of a monkey cause your daft enough to believe in science.
My apologies for the bad language and horrific grammar...
Evidence no. but common sense yes...
BLIND!? your the blind one who wants information spoon fed to him. i dont need evidence. most shit doesnt have evidence to it.
why look for evidence when you can use your own initiative to believe in what? i dont believe what im told. i believe what i want. get it?.
i dont believe in science it goes against my religion. therefor i can gladly say fuck science. the evolution theory bullshit. big bang theory bullshit. etc...
i've got much more better stuff to be getting on with; then to be 'argueing' with some guy who believes that we orginate from monkeys. maybe you do but me No. p.s you've still got the brain of a monkey cause your daft enough to believe in science.
My apologies for the bad language and horrific grammar...