RE: My privilege as a straight, white, cisgender, middle class thin male
December 27, 2014 at 9:04 pm
I think the modern refusal to acknowledge privilege has nothing to do with racism as much as many people seem to think. It comes from guilt. Human beings are surprisingly not too keen on the things that really matter to them coming easy or with reduced [or missing] meaning. To be reminded you had a handicap in your favor diminishes one's pride; their achievements were accomplished on the "easy" difficulty setting and they were never allowed to change the settings.
Lotta people jump on the bandwagon of vilifying racism. Good. But lotta people jump onto it too hard. And in this day and age, "privilege" is analogous to having things easier. Ours is rapidly becoming a society in which things coming easy to you is a sign of inferiority and weakness. As it should always have been, really. But it's also a society that takes that viewpoint a little too far. There is no shame in being born as a straight white lean-bodied attractive male. It means there are things you don't have to worry about. Don't stress over it; if it bothers you at all, then just endeavor to treat everyone else as equals and to work against the difficulties experienced by the social handicaps others struggle with.
Best way to help kill a social problem is by not joining in with it.
Lotta people jump on the bandwagon of vilifying racism. Good. But lotta people jump onto it too hard. And in this day and age, "privilege" is analogous to having things easier. Ours is rapidly becoming a society in which things coming easy to you is a sign of inferiority and weakness. As it should always have been, really. But it's also a society that takes that viewpoint a little too far. There is no shame in being born as a straight white lean-bodied attractive male. It means there are things you don't have to worry about. Don't stress over it; if it bothers you at all, then just endeavor to treat everyone else as equals and to work against the difficulties experienced by the social handicaps others struggle with.
Best way to help kill a social problem is by not joining in with it.