(July 28, 2010 at 3:45 pm)ShnogTrip Wrote: God could've just simply not created the magical tree to begin with. An all knowing God would've foreseen and could've prevented the very fall of humankind and the punishment afterwards. He could've prevented Jesus from having to be beaten and nailed to a cross. He could've prevented all of the suffering and all of the people that will go to hell for something that God could've prevented in the first place.
That's not even the half of it. God apparently created eden to be free of many of the evils that would later enrap the world, but he put two things in the garden - the snake (which was apparently a significant source of corruption, if nothing else) and the tree, which was the centerfold of his fantastic garden, which eve and adam were apparently to never touch.
Basically, if god were a zookeeper, he had all the wisdom of putting the lions in the petting zoo and letting the two humans romp around the petting zoo freely. It's purely assinine, but the god of the old testiment is anything but wise.
(July 28, 2010 at 3:45 pm)ShnogTrip Wrote: Religions were created to help comfort us with our fear of death and the unknown. Religions have been and continue to be used to easily explain what we don't understand. While you're preaching about how your God is the one true God, another guy in the world is preaching about how his God is the one true God. What can we gather from that? That no one knows the "truth". People need to stop pretending that they do.
You know, the more I think about it, the less I think most modern religions were created to pacify fear more than to allow a select group of individuals to control a massive ignorant population. This appears more and more true the further you go back in time.
The only faiths I think seem to actually be there to explain the things that science can't and pacify the fear of death are the more ancient religions that christians believe to be pagan faiths - like the kind of spirituality that prevades native american society and the more ancient religions of the bygone world.
The ones out here now seem to be to be little different than the kind of control and parasitism that scientology has on its followers. Even if it isnt' that way now, it would explain some of the things the churches have done in the past.
(July 28, 2010 at 3:45 pm)ShnogTrip Wrote: People are willing to believe and follow anything that makes them feel better about life and death, even Christianity. Accept that people have been controlled by Christianity, and continue to be controlled by it. Accept that people are scared into following the bible through the fear of death, the devil character, and hell. Accept that some people don't like to take responsibility for their own actions, so they use the devil as an excuse. Accept that people blamed anything they didn't understand on God or Satan because we were ignorant at the time. Accept that we are still ignorant, which is made evident by the multitude of people that still believe in the outdated nonsense of the bible. Accept that the bible has been messed with, retranslated numerous times, and continues to be interpreted in hundreds of different ways. Why anyone would have any faith in it whatsoever is beyond me. Accept that we don't know.
If you can't accept any of that, and can't even question Christianity and its flawed book, then you aren't putting your brain to good use. You will continue to be controlled and live your life in fear.
You'd be amazed at how moral people can be when they think their ideas are backed by the literal word of god. Now think about how 'moral' god was in the old testiment toward women, gays, the first-born, and any number of other examples. Whatever stops that person would have against justifying anything is going to go out the window and only terrible things can follow.