(January 9, 2015 at 5:12 pm) أكبر Wrote:(January 9, 2015 at 4:31 pm)Brakeman Wrote: ..
People who think the ignorant pig fucker Mohammad the prophet jumped on a flying horse with wings and flew over the moon are too stupid to talk science at the big boys' table.
Why is Allah always hiding? Why do the muslims always have to protect his reputation? Is he too senile and stupid to do ANYTHING on his own? If 'Mo the prophet is still alive in heaven, is he too busy giving sows venereal diseases to come shut us up himself? Why is Allah and his butt buddies so afraid to do their own dirty work that they have to send mental midgets from the middle east to do it?
The only reason the muslim pig dicks were able to kill the good people of France is because they had been accepted into their country with good will and openness. The muslim countries are very weak militarily compared to the west, mostly because they deny science and education and instead spend all their time groveling to an imaginary god.
I'm glad I came to the sites to see exactly what Westerners think about Islam
Speaking for myself, I have been holding back the true disdain I have for their filthy disgusting religion.
It makes my sick that the islamo-terrorists repay the kind hospitality of their host countries with hatred and cowardly attacks.
I'd get a French flag tattooed to my forehead if they would bomb Mecca into little bits of turd.
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