I just wish we had someone in politics who would make speeches about all the things the bible approves of that we don't anymore, and some things it doesn't approve of that we do. Also that the LGBT community is just the latest in a line of minority groups vying for equality in the "Land of the Free". This isn't anything new.
Poe's Law: "Without a winking smiley or other blatant display of humor, it is impossible to create a parody of Fundamentalism that SOMEONE won't mistake for the real thing."
10 Christ-like figures that predate Jesus. Link shortened to Chris ate Jesus for some reason...
Good video to watch, if you want to know how common the Jesus story really is.
A list of biblical contradictions from the infallible word of Yahweh.
10 Christ-like figures that predate Jesus. Link shortened to Chris ate Jesus for some reason...
Good video to watch, if you want to know how common the Jesus story really is.
A list of biblical contradictions from the infallible word of Yahweh.