Quote:The bottom line? There will be more good done, even if it is a little more.
So if I go kill 100 people, as long as a few of them were evil people and I did the world a service in their removal, it's worth it. What I hear from your statment is that if something does some good it is ok if it also does greater evil.
Well, everything does good in some way to some person, and everything does evil. I reject your idea that religion should be kept because it does far greater evil than it could ever do good.
I accept your individual cases of drug addicts getting over their addiction. But was it the religion that helped? I highly doubt it. I'd put money that it's actually the community, something that happens via community centers everywhere. I gave examples of large groups, I already said that a few people might be able to say religion did them good but, those people are drops in the bucket compared to the bad things it brings to society. What I was looking for was a reason to think the small good it does could possibly be worth the immense evil.
I also disagree that atheists are more likely to spend money on thelselves. Most religious groups I see help people only do so to gain followers. Sure they'll help, if you give up your ability to think for yourself and abide by their rules and regulations. and if you go against them later on, they start doing crap like telling your wife to divorce you (mormonisim).
At least when atheists help (and you will see us out there less, because theres less of us and people dont randomly donate money to atheist gatherings) we do it because we care. They don't care, they only care that you get 'saved'.
Quote:What is there to stop an Atheist from Raping, murder, robbing etc'.
This ones easy. Humans have both born-with and taught morals, we don't go around killing and raping because it's immoral. The question is 100% flawed in the fact that even if another atheist disagrees with me, atheists don't go around raping and murdering any more often than theists do. If god was required for morality we would already be immoral.