(August 31, 2010 at 10:59 pm)annatar Wrote:
GC Wrote:Exactly why do you think that this is not about faith as I see the story it is only about faith. Jesus used this situation to prove something to His disciples "faith".If you really see that story is about "faith" you should have your eyes checked.
Jesus called her as dog just becouse she is not a jew. And he refused to help her until she accept her place is not equal to jews. Actually not equal to humans as well... As I said before This is not faith! This is the submission of a desperate slave!
Bottomline is Jews are the children and others are dogs in the eyes of the lord. And if you accept that you can eat the crumbs that fall from your masters' table. Nothing much...
So if you have a better better explaination I am here...
Answering what's in bold letters.No, your wrong about Christ He loves everyone, His concern was /is for the salvation of all people. The Jewish people had this attitude toward all other people.
Answering what's underlined. I would rather have the scraps from the table of Christ than all the delectable foods in the world, and if you knew how much I like to eat you would understand how it's more important to me to eat from the table of Christ even if all I received was scraps.
Answering what's in italics. Matt.15:22-28 V.22) You never gave any thought to a Canaanite woman believeing in Jesus as the Christ did you. As stated above it's the Jews who would have thought of her as a dog not Christ. This woman believed Jesus could heal her demon possessed child, because He is the Christ. V.23) Jesus knew His disciples hearts they felt the same as all Jews did about non-Jews. He did not answer her to get a reaction from His disciples. They were true to form and embarrassed about this Canaanite woman crying out to Jesus for help and probably because they thought He might help this low-life person. This is why they asked Jesus to send her away. V.24) Christ's reply was to His disciples not to the Canaanite woman, He was trying to show them how bad their attitude was, He wanted them to remember what He had been teaching (if you need a reminder go back and read the Sermon on the Mount which starts at Matt.5:1. V.25) shows this woman's great faith which Jesus will verbally acknowledge. V.26) Here Jesus tells her it is not proper to take from the worthy and give it to the unworthy, He was not stating she was a dog. V.27) Here she states her true faith, her statement showed she knew that many of the Jews would not accept Jesus as the Christ and that what they were rejecting she accepted. V.28) Christ in this verse verbally states His acceptance of her faith and does for her what she asked of Him.
This interaction with the Canaanite woman was to teach the disciples that they were lacking in the love they should have for others be they Jew or non-Jew. You should not take passages and interpret them as you want (that is to make Christ out to be the bad guy) until you have compared them to the rest of scripture ie. Sermon on the Mount and many other passages about Christ. So NO Jesus never called this Canaanite woman a dog. If you still believe that He called her a dog I pity that your heart will not allow you to see the love Christ has for those in this situation.
God loves those who believe and those who do not and the same goes for me, you have no choice in this matter. That puts the matter of total free will to rest.