First things first:
Now to your topic:
I agree. I try to find a middle ground between labelling all Muslims as terrorists and calling Islamophobic to anyone who dares criticize Islam. I do think that some people who criticize Islam are naively more focused on saying "It is so violent etc etc" instead of proposing measures of secularism - Something we do need. I see no reason to give special treatment to Islam compared to Christianity or Judaism - But can you guess what would happen if you were to criticize Judaism?
Quote:Wasn't it Marx who said religion is the ''opium of the people''?Lol dude, don't confuse liberal-capitalist leftists with actual Marxists/communists/socialists - Obviously most parties in Europe that label themselves as socialists are not actually anti-capitalists so they're just some kind of liberal-capitalists who want to reform economic oppression. Being leftist is not the same as being a Marxist - If it were that way, no religion would be tolerated.
Now to your topic:
I agree. I try to find a middle ground between labelling all Muslims as terrorists and calling Islamophobic to anyone who dares criticize Islam. I do think that some people who criticize Islam are naively more focused on saying "It is so violent etc etc" instead of proposing measures of secularism - Something we do need. I see no reason to give special treatment to Islam compared to Christianity or Judaism - But can you guess what would happen if you were to criticize Judaism?
Quote:Can someone explain to me how 1.6 billion people are a minority?Obviously not but in France they are a minority.
Whoever fights monsters should see to it that in the process he does not become a monster. And if you gaze long enough into an abyss, the abyss will gaze back into you