Sorry Rhythm, I shouldn't have used the word 'infinite' at all - the number of combinations or permutations of something is finite by definition. In terms of parallel processing I wasn't meaning in the computing sense really - as in part of the same system - but rather in an abstract sense of many possible circuit designs, each completely distinct from the rest, operating at the same time and reusing the same components, some leading to 'useful' computation and some being completely meaningless.
You don't have to convince me about the computational limits of the human brain in comparison to a man-made computer. Without comp mind they are different types of processing entirely and with comp mind, well I'm still learning about that. In any case I think consciousness serves to simplify the whole system rather than complicate it. Put aside the amazing experience of qualia and think about what it actually is - eg colour is a labelling system - and you see that it simplifies neural activity, in my opinion. In other words if the perceptions of consciousness could be put into a flow chart it would actually be fairly simple, at least when contrasted with the neural networks alone.
You don't have to convince me about the computational limits of the human brain in comparison to a man-made computer. Without comp mind they are different types of processing entirely and with comp mind, well I'm still learning about that. In any case I think consciousness serves to simplify the whole system rather than complicate it. Put aside the amazing experience of qualia and think about what it actually is - eg colour is a labelling system - and you see that it simplifies neural activity, in my opinion. In other words if the perceptions of consciousness could be put into a flow chart it would actually be fairly simple, at least when contrasted with the neural networks alone.