You know, the Bible isn't the only fiction novel written by man with contradictions! It's also not the only fictitious book to have "predicted the future" or at least coincidental anecdotal pseudo-facts!
However, logic would seem to indicate and should dictate that a book written about such a perfect, flawless, benevolent, all knowing, all seeing being would have been able to proofread the book before it hit the planet earth???
Or maybe something was in the translation from Klingon to... Sorry, I meant from Aramaic to English?
However, logic would seem to indicate and should dictate that a book written about such a perfect, flawless, benevolent, all knowing, all seeing being would have been able to proofread the book before it hit the planet earth???
Or maybe something was in the translation from Klingon to... Sorry, I meant from Aramaic to English?