Okay so the reason I ask atheists about this is because they are the only ones I have really encountered that have responded positively to the idea. In fact, when I asked about it on Reddit a bunch of them actually said they were considering doing the exact same thing!
Now I'm not saying you can't respond negatively to it, but I think the idea of moving away from America (where I live) to an extremely godless country (despite the official status of religious symbolism there) is an attractive notion to a lot of atheists and therefore, I get a lot of support from them.
Now here are some facts about the country of Sweden:
1. The Swedish Parliament is composed of 47% women.
2. Only 14% of Swedes consider religion to be an important aspect of their lives
3. Only 23% of Swedes believe in God (even though 70% are "members" of the Swedish church haha)
4. Sweden is an extremely peaceful country
5. Sweden is an extremely environmentalist country
6. PoliticalCompass.org places Sweden nearest the center of its socio-economic grid
7. Etc. Etc. Etc.
My plan - being only 18 years old - is to utilize the European Union's "Erasmus Mundus" scholarship program which gives out sizable scholarships to students from around the world, especially to non-European students. Living in America, I could potentially receive a scholarship of up to 62,000 US dollars from them to pursue a two-year Master's degree in Sweden given that I have a previous higher education degree and that my academic track record proves itself "outstanding" by that time. Doing this would allow me to become acquainted with the culture and society as well as form ties with the country without having to really pay for all of it, but it would not count as actual "residency". I will have to spend five more years in Sweden afterwards on my own with a career and everything in order to become a Swedish citizen. For that is my goal, to actually move to Sweden.
The reason I'm doing this is partly because of irreligious reasons, but mainly because the US is basically going straight down the crapper. By the time I decide to start a family here there will be nothing left for my children, my wife, and I. The opportunities will be largely if not virtually all hoarded by the financial elite and will therefore make emigration impossible. I'm just worried it will be too late by then. I want to take advantage of this scholarship while I still have a chance.
What does everyone think of this? Positive thoughts? Negative thoughts? Whatever thoughts you have, please share them.
P.S. This section of the forum seemed the most appropriate for this thread. As it's not really a light-hearted discussion per se it doesn't belong in the off-topic, but since we're talking about countries and politics I figured this would be a good place for it.
Now I'm not saying you can't respond negatively to it, but I think the idea of moving away from America (where I live) to an extremely godless country (despite the official status of religious symbolism there) is an attractive notion to a lot of atheists and therefore, I get a lot of support from them.
Now here are some facts about the country of Sweden:
1. The Swedish Parliament is composed of 47% women.
2. Only 14% of Swedes consider religion to be an important aspect of their lives
3. Only 23% of Swedes believe in God (even though 70% are "members" of the Swedish church haha)
4. Sweden is an extremely peaceful country
5. Sweden is an extremely environmentalist country
6. PoliticalCompass.org places Sweden nearest the center of its socio-economic grid
7. Etc. Etc. Etc.
My plan - being only 18 years old - is to utilize the European Union's "Erasmus Mundus" scholarship program which gives out sizable scholarships to students from around the world, especially to non-European students. Living in America, I could potentially receive a scholarship of up to 62,000 US dollars from them to pursue a two-year Master's degree in Sweden given that I have a previous higher education degree and that my academic track record proves itself "outstanding" by that time. Doing this would allow me to become acquainted with the culture and society as well as form ties with the country without having to really pay for all of it, but it would not count as actual "residency". I will have to spend five more years in Sweden afterwards on my own with a career and everything in order to become a Swedish citizen. For that is my goal, to actually move to Sweden.
The reason I'm doing this is partly because of irreligious reasons, but mainly because the US is basically going straight down the crapper. By the time I decide to start a family here there will be nothing left for my children, my wife, and I. The opportunities will be largely if not virtually all hoarded by the financial elite and will therefore make emigration impossible. I'm just worried it will be too late by then. I want to take advantage of this scholarship while I still have a chance.
What does everyone think of this? Positive thoughts? Negative thoughts? Whatever thoughts you have, please share them.
P.S. This section of the forum seemed the most appropriate for this thread. As it's not really a light-hearted discussion per se it doesn't belong in the off-topic, but since we're talking about countries and politics I figured this would be a good place for it.