RE: Atheism, an uphill struggle
February 14, 2012 at 6:36 pm
In truth, for the most part, I don't have a problem with Christianity on a day-to-day basis. I have no problem being around people are on Christians, unless, the are fanatically stopping to pray about every little thing. Or worse, yet, expecting me to hold their hand while they pray.
I will be silent and respectful is someone want to say a prayer, like just before a meal or something. It's not bringing any harm to me. In fact, sometime I get a chuckle over some of the things they say in their stupid prayers.
Where I find it problematic is when Christian extremists, or over-bearing proselytizers start harping on it evangelically and won't shut up about it. Then it does become a problem.
But I get that same kind of bullshit from "hardcore" atheists. Maybe even more often than from the Christians simply because I'm often around secular atheists more often.
I'm personally
open to the possibility that there may indeed be a spiritual essence to reality. I've ruled out the highly personified jealous-God religions of the ancient Hebrews. But I still consider the possibility of a far more mystical view of spirituality of proposed by various Eastern Mysticisms, from Taoism, to the many different forms of Buddhism, etc.
What I find utterly amazing is that atheists can be almost worse than Christians in terms of harassing someone who doesn't agree with their atheistic views.
I've never had a Christian suggest that I should be burned at the stake as a witch. But I've had many atheists suggest that I should be socially crucified as being utterly stupid for even keeping an open-mind toward a possible spiritual essence of reality.
So I'm not sure which crowd is worse.
Naturally I get along with Buddhists, Taoists, and Wiccans the best.
But yeah, it can be hard being around a bunch of hardcore atheists if you're not yourself a hardcore atheist.
Unfortunately they can be just as obnoxious and Christian proselytizers, only in the opposite direction. They'll quickly chastise you for simply having an open mind that a spiritual essence to reality might be possible.
Nope, they're brand you a complete moron for that one.
So I don't know which is worse.
Being branded as a heathen by the Christians.
Or being branded as a moron by the atheists.
From my perspective it's just a bunch of unnecessary judgmental hatred in either case.