Hello Athiest Forums
My name is Paul and I'm from Manchester in the UK. I drive a minibus when I work and I play guitar, watch documentaries/ movies and surf the net when I don't.
A bit of my LS.
I never had a religious upbringing, so I was never indoctrinated or ever really held any serious religious views, in fact I've only had cause a very few times in my life to even give it any real consideration. Living in the UK though, the influx of Islam has brought religion to the forefront and I've spent the last 6 or 7 months really looking into it. (I once even attempted to read the Bible and managed to get all the way to Genesis 1: 1 before I had a problem (God created the heavens and the Earth?... Why? Was he bored?)). After reading books (Well audiobooks. lol) like "The God Delusion", "God is not great" and "The end of faith" they really taught me a lot about what faith was and how it impacts our daily lives with no good reason. Now, as I am fully behind Thunderf00ts concept of Pearlism (Hence the name.
) I consider myself a "Pearlist Atheist"... "P.E.A.R.L."... "Physical Evidence And Reasoned Logic"... How can any sane person not believe in that?
Anyway, not the best intro ever but hello none the less.
During my research over the last few months I have raised in my own mind a few questions that I can't seem to get much information on online. So over the next few days I'm hoping 2 post a few threads about them entitled "There are no dumb questions... Part #" I'm hoping that some of you fine educated people might help me out and join in the discussions.
Thank you.
My name is Paul and I'm from Manchester in the UK. I drive a minibus when I work and I play guitar, watch documentaries/ movies and surf the net when I don't.
A bit of my LS.

I never had a religious upbringing, so I was never indoctrinated or ever really held any serious religious views, in fact I've only had cause a very few times in my life to even give it any real consideration. Living in the UK though, the influx of Islam has brought religion to the forefront and I've spent the last 6 or 7 months really looking into it. (I once even attempted to read the Bible and managed to get all the way to Genesis 1: 1 before I had a problem (God created the heavens and the Earth?... Why? Was he bored?)). After reading books (Well audiobooks. lol) like "The God Delusion", "God is not great" and "The end of faith" they really taught me a lot about what faith was and how it impacts our daily lives with no good reason. Now, as I am fully behind Thunderf00ts concept of Pearlism (Hence the name.

Anyway, not the best intro ever but hello none the less.
During my research over the last few months I have raised in my own mind a few questions that I can't seem to get much information on online. So over the next few days I'm hoping 2 post a few threads about them entitled "There are no dumb questions... Part #" I'm hoping that some of you fine educated people might help me out and join in the discussions.
Thank you.

"Science flew us to the Moon, religion flew us into buildings."
"Life... It's just an F in lie."
"Life... It's just an F in lie."