Quote:The Times: Protests Outside Court As Lubna Hussein Faces Lashes Over Trousers
Tristan McConnell
August 4, 2009
Scores of women today protested outside court in support of a woman journalist who faces flogging for wearing trousers in Sudan.
Lubna Hussein, a widow in her thirties, challenged the authorities on the eve of her trial, saying that she is willing to take thousands of lashes if it advances the rights of the country’s women.
Ululating women carried banners and headbands with the message, “No return to the dark ages,” and shouted slogans against laws which ban dress deemed indecent. Riot police armed with batons moved in to clear the streets around the protesters.
“We are against this law. It is against women, against Islam and against human rights,” said Zainab Badradin, one of the women in the crowd.
[Read The Rest Of The Article here]
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